Wednesday, 20 March 2013 • 09:00 • 0 comments Assalammualaikum , Haii ;')Terlalu lama tak updatee . I'm too busy with my ' Ujian 1 ' After the Ujian , terus ke Kem Pengawas . At Kalumpang Resort , Selangor . First , I'm not so excited for this camp . Seriously , this camp is ' leceh ' !! But , After 3days 2 nights Kebahagiaan mula terasa . On the first day , so boring . Just a normal activities . Sit in a group , and disscuss our the name of group . Also our cheerleading and menifesto . B.A.P <-- Best , Absolute , Prefect ! - Nama group Then , we have to present our cheerleading infront the audiences . Second day , woke up very early - 6 am maybee ! ' Solat ' and they gave us Rehatt ! Then , Senamrobik and did some activities with very-2 handsome facilitators ! Just one word to describe the activities ' BEST ' And after that , Breakfast - Nasi Lemak with tea Uncle Andy ( Big Boss ) gave us to spend time with our friends . He gave us ONE HOUR to ' Mandi Sungai ' - This is the best moment Then , we have some activities with the facilitators , Againn ! Like Explorace ! - For me its quite boring . Lunch time . The food is YUCKS ! - Taksedapp Then , ZOHOR . We continued our activities . We have build a ' Tugu ' based on our menisfesto ! It's so hard . We have Perah our brain ! Next , KERAJAAN RIMBA - the best activities . B.A.P aka My groups is Kerajaan Red Indian . It's so interesting . Game ni paling kelakar . Puluuu -2 Asar and Mandi Sungai ! Get ready for the Maghrib and suddenly rain ! We can't did any activities . We just stayed in Khemah and play some games with the juniors . I miss that moment - Buaya Biawak ! Dinner time and they asked us to SLEEP . Third day , as usual , woke up very very early . Subuh and play a game with facilitators - 7Kicap Sarapan and Kemas khemahh . Then , River trekking - Adventure ! After that , ready for Zohor and lunch . And last --> Majlis Penutup ( Boring -___- ) - The camp is over - We're PREFECTS , so please RESPECT ! p/s : My English is not so good . If there are anything wrong , just let me know ;') Like many people said " Kesalahan mengajar kita menjadi lebih BAIK " Thanks ! |
Shout !
Big Clap!